Jason Corrick visits Bodyworld

Jason Corrick 5 x Britain winner, Mr World winner and 2 x Mr Universe winner Body Builder trained at the Bodyworld in November. Jason grew up here in Taunton and has won numerous major bodybuilding shows throughout the last 20 years and has great knowledge of the sport.

We would like to say a massive thank you to both Jason Corrick (Legend) and all those members who joined us, the training advice was invaluable and was great to get genuine feedback from a professional still at the top of his game!​

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The government has now agreed to the next step in their strategy of easing lock down measures with effect from July 4th 2020. This latest step permits Gym’s to re-open as long as guidance is followed and certain safety restrictions are put in place to protect customers. 

Bodyworld Taunton is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our customers. We will be re-opening the gym on xxxxx under strict operating procedures. This will include, hourly training sessions, a one-way direction within the gym to maintain social distancing and a 30 minute safety period between sessions to allow staff to undertake cleaning and other measures to keep our customers safe.

In order to maintain social distancing and to operate a fair procedure to welcome customers back to the gym, we will be offering x,  1 hour training sessions each day with a limited number of customers allowed per training session. Access to these sessions will be via Online Booking ONLY and if you have not booked your training session and you arrive at the gym, you will not be permitted to train.

Online Booking will operate on a first come, first served basis. We will be offering priority booking to current DD members but we will make sure there are spaces for PAYG members, especially those who had time left on their PAYG membership when lock down own began.


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During a survey, two-thirds of members said that they would be interested in a members’ area on the website. So far we have received requests for the following:

  • Videos on how to use the equipment correctly
  • Training programmes
  • Nutrition and advice on healthy living
  • Supplements
  • A Competition section
  • General fitness updates

Make sure you let us know what you would like to see and we will start to create content over the next couple of months!.